Traveling is stressful enough, but with the recent news of TSA agents stealing cash from checked luggage or airlines losing luggage due to canceled flights, no one is getting excited about leaving anything of value in a checked bag. Take heart, though! Traveling with jewelry doesn't have to be a stressful experience. With a little planning, creative packing, smart vacation etiquette, and a comprehensive jewelry insurance policy, you can enjoy a relaxing trip without worrying about the safety of your sentimental and valued pieces.

1. Up-to-date insurance
It’s smart to have your valuable jewelry insured, but especially so when traveling. No one likes to imagine the worst-case scenario, but that’s what the insurance is there for. It’s recommended that you let the insurance company know where you’re going and provide them with a full inventory of what jewelry will be traveling with you. Don’t have insurance? Check with your trusted jeweler on who they recommend.
2. Full inventory
As we mentioned before, it’s a good idea to give your insurer a thorough inventory of what pieces you’re taking with you on the road. Go one step further and include pieces you are leaving at home, in the catastrophic event of a break-in while you’re away. Be as detailed as possible, include pictures from multiples angles, sizes, colors, weights, and appraised value. Once you’ve returned, compare what you brought back with your list to ensure everything made it back safely. Last but certainly not least, don’t delay in putting jewelry back in its place. This eliminates opportunity to misplace valuables that you’ve worked so hard to keep safe.
3. Keep your jewelry on you at all times in airports.
As previously mentioned, in light of the recent theft regarding TSA, no one should be keeping their jewelry in their checked baggage. To put it plainly, if your travel requires flying, do not let your jewelry out of your sight. These days, travel specific bags for jewelry are available from just about every major retailer. We recommend a sectional jewelry bag, one with a hard shell and soft lining, sectioned to prevent tangling or scratches. There are also sectional jewelry bags that can easily be folded or rolled to stash in a carry-on. Get creative and use a makeup bag or even Ziplock bags and wrap your jewelry in tissue for extra padding. The best way to go about keeping jewelry at hand is to simple wear it on your person. The easiest way to do this is to actually wear the piece, but if that is not an option, stash it in a jewelry bag that can be tucked into a jacket or vest pocket made to accommodate bulk.
4. Know when to wear it and when to leave it
Now that you have brought your jewelry along, wear it as often as you can outside your room. Otherwise, make sure to store any pieces you're not wearing in the hotel safe or vault. Booked somewhere without a safe? Be sure all jewelry is strategically stowed out of sight when leaving your room. The one exception to wearing your jewelry when traveling is, of course, at the pool or beach. Not only is there the potential damage from chlorine, salt water and sunscreen, but water causes things to shrink and makes it entirely too easy for rings to slip off fingers.
When you’re wearing it while out-and-about, be aware of your surroundings and act accordingly. Be smart when posting on social media; too often a photo intended to showcase a delicious meal often features the expensive jewelry you’re wearing and because you’ve just tagged yourself at that location, you’ve made yourself an easy target.
Being in an unfamiliar environment and routine increases the possibility that something might happen to jewelry you adore. We know how easy it is to overpack, but it's important to be realistic about what you will, and won’t, wear while traveling and leave your least-essential pieces at home.
Visit Schiffman's Jewelers at one of our Greensboro or Winston-Salem locations to explore our wide selection of jewelry!